Author: jitdor
修改 ServerStatus-V 探针脚本配合 vnStat 2.x 版本使用
网上常见的改版 ServerStatus 探针里采用的流量统计是根据 python 函数 psutil.net_io_counters() 所返回的数值来显示的。所以每次系统重启就会清零,作为检测小鸡每月流量有没有跑超的实用性不大。后来发现了以 vnStat 流量统计为基础的 ServerStatus-V 项目,用比较科学的自然月流量采集方式补足了原来 ServerStatus 的短板,这也是我一直沿用的版本。 最近适逢 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 问世,我把手头上一大波的 VPS 系统更新,大致顺利。但后来发现探针监控台里越来越多小鸡的流量报告均为 0 | 0。难道是更新后比较节省流量吗?当然是不存在的。强迫症发作下无可奈何只好研究一下代码… 果然,问题就出现在这行代码里:
BuyVM/FranTech Ryzen VPS and Storage Slab review
While AMD has made quite a comeback on the desktop front with each successful iteration of their Ryzen CPUs based on the Zen architecture, things on the server side is not as rosy, as the market is still largely dominated by Intel. For the longest time I have always wanted a Ryzen-based VPS, because I…
LiteUnit LLC KVM-512 VPS Review
[Update Aug 2020] My VPS has been offline since the end of June and support tickets are no longer answered since. LiteUnit LLC is a Russia-based hosting company that is currently offering VPS hosted in Novosibirsk, a place where it is often more affectionately known as “New Siberia”. It has nothing to do with the…
RESUME variable error during system updates
Assuming you had or have been using Linux VPS from second or third-tier vendors, you would have come across the following error message at some point: W: initramfs-tools configuration sets RESUME=/dev/sda2 W: but no matching swap device is available. I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/vda2 I: (UUID=03bd7930-a963-4fa7-9db2-8c30eca1ea58) I: Set the RESUME variable…
Installing the latest version of Aria2 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Aria2 is a headless (command-line based) multi-protocol downloader. It supports the downloading of HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink resources. Many frontends exist for Aria2, they are available either as standalone apps, or browser extensions. Technically Aria2 can function by itself, but I don’t consider its command-line functionalities to be usable for most. Thanks to…
The official Telegram CIDR list
If for whatever reason you have the need to reroute or block Telegram Messenger traffic, at some point, you would have come across an ASN list with a list of /22 IPv4 blocks and one or two /48 IPv6 blocks. If you’ve hastily based your firewall rules on that list, you’ll notice it works only…
本文会探讨一下不使用端口映射的情况下如歌使用共享 IP 主机。 关于独享与共享:有些特定场景是必须独享 IP 的,比如基于 SIP 协议的 VoIP 语音系统或 H.323/T.120 的网络视频会议设备都不能在共享公网 IP 的场景下运作。但其实很多时候你并不需要独享 IP 的主机。
Azure 乞丐版 B1ls 的正确食用姿势 —— 压榨极致性能
最近与几个大佬闲聊之际,发现很多人都在不约而同地吐槽 Azure 的效能。综合的来的意见不外乎是云盘 I/O 过慢(HDD/SDD 一样卡)、主机响应迟钝没反应、运行更新耗时大半天,期间 CPU 效能满载或时处于半宕机状态等等糟心体验,还贵。贵,是毋庸置疑的,毕竟产品品牌定位就是高端货,不可能做到灵车的价格。但我想说的是很多时候产品本身并无问题,只是食用姿势不对。
Adding Swap Space in Linux
Swap in Linux is the equivalent of virtual memory in Windows – a space on a disk that is used when the system runs out of RAM. For some reason unknown, many cloud instances are deployed without any swap.