Category: Review
BuyVM/FranTech Ryzen VPS and Storage Slab review
While AMD has made quite a comeback on the desktop front with each successful iteration of their Ryzen CPUs based on the Zen architecture, things on the server side is not as rosy, as the market is still largely dominated by Intel. For the longest time I have always wanted a Ryzen-based VPS, because I…
LiteUnit LLC KVM-512 VPS Review
[Update Aug 2020] My VPS has been offline since the end of June and support tickets are no longer answered since. LiteUnit LLC is a Russia-based hosting company that is currently offering VPS hosted in Novosibirsk, a place where it is often more affectionately known as “New Siberia”. It has nothing to do with the…
AWS Lightsail US$3.5/mo instance reviewed
Network routing to China left quite a bit to be desired, congestion happens with a large number of packet loss during evening peak hours, typically from 8pm onwards. If your purpose of using Lightsail is to serve web content to an audience within China or is pulling contents from China servers, you may want to…