Category: VPS

  • Removing WALinuxAgent from your Azure instance

    Removing WALinuxAgent from your Azure instance



    Azure’s supplied Linux images come preinstalled with the Azure Linux Agent, a process that manages virtual machine interaction with the Azure Fabric Controller, such as providing the oh-so-useful availability status and the VM name to Azure. It also performs self-updates, by the way.

  • Installing Caddy as a service in your cloud instance

    Installing Caddy as a service in your cloud instance

    Caddy should be everyone’s server of choice. Especially lazy people, and that’s everyone. This blog is served by Caddy. It is a modern web server written in Go. It does automatic HTTPS configuration. TF is automatic you ask? Take this blog for example – if it were to run in Nginx, the config file would…

  • Google starts charging for public IPv4 addresses in GCP

    Google starts charging for public IPv4 addresses in GCP



    If you have taken a look in your January 2020 invoice from your GCP subscription, you would notice a new line that resembles this: Compute Engine External IP Charge on a Standard VM: Hours [Currency conversion: USD to SGD using rate 1.352] Edit: Google is currently discounting the public IP charges 100% for the…

  • 1-year free cloud instance with 3TB transfer

    1-year free cloud instance with 3TB transfer



    Came across a free 12 months VPS offer. You get a full year’s worth of cloud instance with 1 vCPU, 1GB RAM, 40GB SSD as well as 3TB data transfer. That is 750 hours per month of free usage, which you can either leave it on 24/7, or spin up 750 instances for 1 hour.…

  • AWS Lightsail  US$3.5/mo instance reviewed

    AWS Lightsail US$3.5/mo instance reviewed

    Network routing to China left quite a bit to be desired, congestion happens with a large number of packet loss during evening peak hours, typically from 8pm onwards. If your purpose of using Lightsail is to serve web content to an audience within China or is pulling contents from China servers, you may want to…

  • Comparing cloud instance performance across different providers

    Comparing cloud instance performance across different providers



    If you have been in the market of shopping for a cloud instance, you will notice the offerings are deceptively similar: 1 vCPU + 1GB memory with a 20GB disk and 1TB bandwidth, for the same price. Are they really similar though? Far from it.

  • Quick config and optimization of your cloud instance

    Quick config and optimization of your cloud instance



    So you’ve got your first Linux VM, hurray! Here is a quick prep guide to get it up to speed. In this example (and throughout this blog), I’ll assume you’re using the Debian-based Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – which is ideal as it comes with newer software packages and is quite a bit easier to manage…